Submitted by Mike on Thu, 12/21/2006 - 3:15pm
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Name that offset
This page shows various time values and conversions to other units. I find this useful when programming in PHP and other languages.
Often, I want to run a SQL query to update a time value in a Drupal db table, and I need to know the delta to add to an existing unix timestamp value to push a value out by 24 hours, 90 days, etc. and would rather not whip out a calculator or do the math on paper...
Unit | Seconds | Milliseconds |
15 Seconds | 15 | 15000 |
30 Seconds | 30 | 30000 |
45 Seconds | 45 | 45000 |
60 Seconds | 60 | 60000 |
One Hour | 3600 | 3600000 |
24 Hours | 86400 | 86400000 |
7 Days | 604800 | 604800000 |
One Week | 604800 | 604800000 |
14 Days | 1209600 | 1209600000 |
Two Weeks | 1209600 | 1209600000 |
30 Days | 2592000 | 2592000000 |
45 Days | 3888000 | 3888000000 |
60 Days | 5184000 | 5184000000 |
90 Days | 7776000 | 7776000000 |
365 Days | 31536000 | 31536000000 |
GMT Time: Tue, 02/18/2025 - 6:21am
Unix Time: 1739859664 seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Local server time: Mon, 02/17/2025 - 11:21pm