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Trust Never Sleeps

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It's becoming apparent to me (slow thinker that I am) that 2007 is shaping up to be a year in which 'trust' becomes the central theme in many ways:

Why do I think trust is becoming a watchword?

Because, everything seems to revolve around it - how much does Google trust your website's content and outbound links? How do I know if you are a trustworthy trading partner if I just met you on an online trading venue?

In some areas of life, trust is everything. It's how we decide how to proceed with a transaction. It's how we decide how much we should open up to others. It's how we are able to function in relation to one another.

You might think that it's not all about trust - until someone violates yours. Things very much revolve around trust. Before you add that story, drop that link, or buy advertising, you might want to think about that.