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Not sure why, but I tried to install this module to Drupal 5.1 and I selected it in Modules and got it installed, but it never created the container for the Classified Ads under Categories. Any idea why?

I should mention I have previously installed the module a few weeks ago, but later uninstalled the module because the client changed his mind. Now he's changed his mind again and does in fact want to use the module. Maybe I need to do some cleaning on the database side? Or is the .install file just not doing anything?


Drupal 5.1 version of the .install does not create the taxonomy

This is a known issue in the current Drupal 5 version.

If you visit the admin settings page after installing, the module should create the taxonomy and related configuration, if it's not been created already.

What is the value of the ed_classified_vocabulary variable in the variable table?

As an alternative, you can create your own taxonomy and assign the taxonomy id number to a variable named ed_classified_vocabulary - this will force the classified ads module to use the selected taxonomy.

So, if the taxonomy (vocabulary) has an id of 3, execute this SQL statement:

INSERT INTO variable set name='ed_classified_vocabulary', value='i:3;';

or, if the variable exists use this:

UPDATE variable set value='i:3;' where name='ed_classified_vocabulary';

I don't think it runs the

I don't think it runs the .install file at all when installing the module.

it did not create the edi_classified_nodes table as I think it was supposed to?

The value of "ed_classified_vocabulary " variable in the variable table is 25

And I am unsure exactly what steps to take to "create my own taxonomy" and then look up its taxonomy id #

EDIT: I think I have it working. I updated the vocbulary item and set it to '89' which is the pid of the classified ads container/classified ads/category I had created. I then created a sub category and then tried adding a new classified ad to that category. it showed up. all must be well. THANKS!

5.1 update

Hi, I am lost in this discussion of getting the Classified Ads to work. Is there any additional (detailed) support info I can read on the issue? Thanks!

Not clear

What exactly are you having trouble with? I'm afraid I can't answer your question without some details.

details on my issue

My installation has created two "Classified Ads" menu items on the left side block. The top Ad button takes me to the list page "There are 0 ads in this category". The second Ads button gives me a five column list "Title, Created, Published...etc". I cannot add anything to this list, so I cannot add any classified ads.

Am I supposed to have two Classified Ads items?

I believe I read about the current taxonomy issue (I have v.5 of Drupal) but would like greater detail of the fix if possible.

I believe your software will fill a lot of needs in Drupal. Thanks for your help.

Not sure how your description relates to the taxonomy issue

Please see the issues queue entry for info on the double menu entry issue.

Is there a reason why you are posting here rather than using Drupal's ed_classified issue tracker? (You are welcome to post here, but it's better to use the issue tracker (or at least check there first).