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New WhyReboot version (1.0.1) released

December 18, 2006 News flash: Version of our popular free utility WhyReboot is now available for download.

As before, it helps you determine whether you need to reboot your Windows computer after running an installer.

This version adds several UI enhancements requested by users: copy to clipboard, window resizing, word wrapping in log output, and several other UI enhancements.

Drupal adsense_injector.module download (and source code)

News flash:

Now hosted on CVS/Project repository.
Please visit the project page for latest releases, bug/issue reports, etc.

Now hosted on CVS/Project repository.
Please visit the project page for latest releases, bug/issue reports, etc.

Windows System Tray Scan Utility

What programs are running your system tray?

This command-line utility for Windows XP or Server 2003 will tell you which programs have inserted themselves into your "system tray"*.

It generates a list of PIDs, the program's location, and the number of visible and hidden icons for each program that has inserted itself into your system tray.

PMMon - Monitor Win32 Power Management Events

PMMon monitors your system for Win32 power management events that are sent to all application windows, under the WM_POWERBROADCAST window message. These messages are then decoded and displayed in a log window. Where possible, the delta between previous and current values are shown. The current battery power level (if available) is shown in a colored bar at the top of the window.

Find compressed files on NTFS filesystems

Locate NTFS compressed (or uncompressed) files on your system


I was interested in locating all the compressed files in my \Winnt (%SYSTEMROOT%) directory, as I was concerned that the Disk Cleanup utility had compressed often-used system components, which could result in a significant performance degradation.

Internet Explorer Forensics - extract browser history and cache data with IECacheList Lite

Display the contents of Internet Explorer's index.dat files, including 'lost' and hidden content

Current Version:


Have you ever wondered about the contents of the Internet Explorer ("IE") cache? Wanted to know if the cache is really empty when you tell (or ask) IE to delete temporary files? Want to know what's kept in those INDEX.DAT files that are stored in your user profile?

IECacheList Lite is a command line utility that will examine the contents of Internet Explorer's index.dat files and display them for you. The method used by IECacheList is designed to ensure that no 'hidden' or lost information escapes detection.

Simple classified ads module for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5

Status Update: 7/1/2009

The Classified Ads module now has a new maintainer. I'm no longer actively maintaining the module. Questions, comments, and support requests should be directed to the module issue queue.

I've created a simple classified ads module for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5. It is now in use on a large number of Drupal-based sites.


My classified module creates a new node type ('ed_classified') and associates an expiration time stamp with all nodes of that type. Borrowing from the image.module image gallery scheme, it creates and associates a custom taxonomy with the classified ads. Site administrators then need to create child taxonomy terms for each classified ad category. As with any Drupal taxonomy, ad categories may be nested to arbitrary depth.

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