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Drupal 4.7

Classified ads module for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5 available on

I've committed the classified ads module to the CVS - it's now available for download as an official release package.

You can find the official project page (and the official downloads) at

Help for the weary Drupal developer: and OpenSearch plugins

OpenSearch Plug-ins for, Drupal 4.7 API, Drupal 5 API, and Drupal 6 API

I've created some Drupal-specific OpenSearch plugins for Firefox (and IE7, too!). They provide and search integration in browsers supporting the OpenSearch search plugin protocol.
They are useful when searching for Drupal API routines or other Drupal development subjects. Install them as you would any other OpenSearch plugin...

MyBlogLog for Drupal 4.7

I've created a simple MyBlogLog module for Drupal 4.7. This module provides the following features:

  • Inserts the MyBlogLog tracking javascript into generated pages - no need to hand-edit your template's page.tpl.php file, or manually create a block to inject the tracking javascript.
  • Provides the "Recent Reader" widget block
    (includes configuration options - color, width, # rows, etc.)
  • Disable visitor tracking for Administrators and other users on a per-role basis (prevent skewed stats due to admin or other roles' visits.)

... and more

User notification module

I've been working on a user notifications module (and underlying API module) for Drupal.

This is initially needed for for use with my classified ads module but it can be used by any module that needs a well-defined method of alerting users to various events.

Using Event module with jscalendar (jstools)

When using event.module with JSCalendar (part of jstools module), you might experience problems with event times being stored incorrectly. This appears to be due to an obscure configuration requirement when using JSCalendar - apparently, the event module must be configured to use 12 hour format. (This one bit me in the behind today, so I thought I'd jot this down somewhere...)

Be sure to set event.module time notation to 12 hour format:
administer >> settings >> event >> "Time Notation Preference" = 12h

Related info:

Placing "read more" inline with teaser -

This posting on (merlinofchaos' excellent site) shows how to customize the placement of the 'read more' link on your site. Most excellent!

Why can't A Drupal user edit a node they created?

Why can't a Drupal user edit a node they created?

Symptoms: An authorized Drupal user loses "edit" access to nodes they've created, even if they have appropriate node (or other module) access permissions. Or, user cannot edit a node that should be editable by them, based on access control or node access settings. No errors or warnings are presented to the user. Nothing in the Drupal watchdog log.

Possible Cause: The user does not have permission to use the input filter currently assigned to the node. (An administrator or other privileged user may have changed the input filter settings, or, input filter permissions may have been changed to exclude the node author since the node was created. As a result, the user never had, or no longer has permission to use the input filter associated with the node.)

This excerpt from Drupal node.module node_access() function tells the tale:

Drupal 4.7 Site and Database Backups

How do I keep my Drupal 4.7 site(s) backed up?

There are several modules to help you:

  • backup.module Creates an on-demand tarball backup of your database and site files, and downloads them to your browser.
  • Database Administration module Allows interactive backup of database tables (among other things.)

Simple classified ads module for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5

Status Update: 7/1/2009

The Classified Ads module now has a new maintainer. I'm no longer actively maintaining the module. Questions, comments, and support requests should be directed to the module issue queue.

I've created a simple classified ads module for Drupal 4.7 and Drupal 5. It is now in use on a large number of Drupal-based sites.


My classified module creates a new node type ('ed_classified') and associates an expiration time stamp with all nodes of that type. Borrowing from the image.module image gallery scheme, it creates and associates a custom taxonomy with the classified ads. Site administrators then need to create child taxonomy terms for each classified ad category. As with any Drupal taxonomy, ad categories may be nested to arbitrary depth.

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