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Secret Stuff - AdSense competitive filter tool and URL/site ranking and visibility links tool

I've added a couple of handy webmaster tools to the site, but they've been hidden for a while - so it's time to let you all know about them:

URL/Site visibility links tool - quick links to SEO tools. I've added this page because I find myself checking these statistics from time to time, and wanted a convenient place to stash my collection of links. Since I went through the trouble, I figured someone else might find it useful.

URL/site ranking and visibility links for your URL

Site visibility and ranking links

URL: http://

Note: URLs may be case-sensitive - be sure to use the same case used on your site!
This tool provides handy links to various online tools you can use to check a site's ranking, backlinks, and 'visibility' in various search engines, social bookmarking sites, blog trackers, etc.
Links for URL
Technorati LinksLinks to this URL on Technorati bookmarksCheck bookmarks for this url
Yahoo Site Explorer - SITEWIDEInbound links to site
Yahoo Site Explorer - URLInbound links to this URL
Alexa statisticsHow does Alexa like
Live PageRankCheck PageRank across multiple data centers

Webmaster Mindshare

Back in the day, some folks at Microsoft used the term "developer mindshare" in the now-infamous "Halloween Memo" - Microsoft was operating (rightly, I think) under the assumption that they would dominate the software universe in proportion to its domination of the thoughts of software developers.

Fun with Alexa

While searching for links to one of my sites today, I found and - these are simulated stock markets, based on alexa ranking.

These are great examples of using alexa data in unique and interesting (if somewhat esoteric) ways.

Alexa API module for Drupal

I'm working on an alexa API module that will allow your Drupal-based site to provide embedded Alexa site ranking information.

As of now, this module provides a number of useful features:

  • Generate img tag url for Alexa charts - embed Alexa charts in your site pages
  • Query Alexa toolbar data and return it in XML format
  • Caching of queried data
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